Supervised Study Sept. 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Supervised study will resume for the coming academic year on Monday, the 9th of September 2024 for students in 3rd, 5th and 6th year.
There will be a junior and senior room for study. The junior room will be in P58 and the senior room will be in P53.
Study will take place from Monday to Thursday from 4.15 pm to 6.00 pm.
**Study will not take place when there is a Parent Teacher Meeting or Staff Meeting scheduled – please see school calendar on the school website.
There will be a €300 fee for the year. This can be paid in 2 instalments if necessary. This money can be paid directly to reception, where you will be issued with a receipt.
Students should attend all sessions every week. Any misbehaviour which is deemed disruptive by the supervisor will not be tolerated. This will result in immediate expulsion from study and the fee is non-refundable.
Students are expected to bring enough work with them each day to keep them busy during supervised study. Students will only be allowed to leave a study session early if they have a written note in their journal from a parent/guardian requesting this. No food may be consumed during study. . Supervised study is an “Unplugged Zone”; students are not permitted to listen to music etc while studying, this will provide students with a suitable atmosphere and environment to progress their studies resulting in a better quality of homework and a superior set of grades in their examinations.
A register of students will be taken each day on VSware.
This allows parents to monitor the students’ daily attendance at supervised study.
A note on VSware on in the student's journal is required in order for students to leave study early.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. King
Study Coordinator