The Quality Mark Programme
The Quality Mark Programme is a programme designed by Belongto and endorsed by the Department of Education. It is a programme designed to support schools to become inclusive and safe school for LGBTQ+ people. In Ireland, 76% of LGBTQ+ students have indicated that they do not feel safe in schools. It is our goal in our school to try to ensure that this number is kept to a minimum.
Some of the main areas that we will be focusing on are increased education around the importance of language and developing our policies to ensure they are inclusive for all, not just the LGBTQ+ cohort of our community.
As part of the programme, we have completed staff, student and parent/guardian surveys. It is vital that we have as many responses to these surveys as possible to ensure that our action plan reflects our school and the areas that we need to work on as an individual school.
The link to the parent survey can be found by following this QR code to complete it, if you have not done so already!
Further information about the programme can be found here: Belong To LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland
If you would like to discuss this further, please contact the school at reception!